從今天有沒有便秘 到下午買了濃特力
不管做了什麼事 一律都「我跟你說喔~」
買了濃特力的玉米布丁酥 就想打電話:
「我跟你說喔~ 濃特力還沒有倒光耶~它的玉米布丁酥,我從高中就愛吃了呢!」
as soon as i get on the train, i open my toshi白 and type this.
i wanna tell you so many feelings i felt.
yes! we both have questions of each other.
even though, i won't doubt the way i felt about you.
i like you. i do.
sometimes i wondered are you really my boyfirend?
cause it's too perfect and so wonderful...
最近 麻煩你很多 要謝謝你很多
仍在不長進的泥沼中掙扎的我 持續努力往外爬
我 愛哭 摔角玩得跟瘋子一樣 喜歡黃金鼠..
等待~週末你的到來 或是 我的出發
的確 我會ㄍㄧㄥ住 不表達 或 因為不敢表達
自以為這樣是為對方想 所以憋住情緒不說
結果卻成了模擬兩可不直接 或是你所說的..顛三倒四、翻來覆去的方式
Faces_Lene Marlin
Pour me some wine, join me tonight
Surround me with your happy faces
Share some fun stories, stay up all night
Surround me with your friendly faces