半夜3點多 整理思緒 爬起來寫ㄌ封如此這般ㄉemail給我娘
其實 內容ㄉ主要重點只不過是......請她老人家別再叨叨念ㄌ啦!!!!!

Dear Mom,

I know you are very angry about my behavior recently.

I do understand these two months are so important to me.
believe me.....I really know that!!!!!

well~~~~let me put it in this way.........
if I can't pass any of those exams and get into any of those schools.
I'll go back to my original university and wait for next internal subject transfer test.

I know you are very worried about my situation right now.
but could you please give me a little space then I can decide for myself?!
although, I might suffer from my own actions!!

anyway, I just want to let you know that I have my own steps of doing things.
even if, you don't think that's a good idea at all.
and........could you please don't push or question me untill I finish this?!

Best regards,
your daughter Hsiao-Hui......


this is an opportunity to let you practice English and
let you get more idea of what I am thinking about recently. ^++++^y

* 老話一句.....若發現本文之文法有誤 請多多來函指教 謝~!!!!!!!

* 若有覺得俺寫得狠差ㄉ................
碼ㄉB咧~~~~~!!!!!! 怎摸這摸蠢啊你~!!!
你不會不要看ㄇ??! 難道要我給你湯匙挖雙眼咪~?! 凸>__<凸

--------------- !!!!!!!!!湯匙給你 快點挖!!!!!!!!! --------------

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